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PSCA Statement on Critical Race Theory


Recently, PSCA was targeted in a heavily biased news article that mischaracterized school counseling work as divisive. The article suggested that PSCA's Equity and Anti-Racism resources support the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) to K-12 students. The author further equated the complex topic of CRT with all diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism efforts within K-12 Schools.

CRT manifests in educational policy - suspension rates, special education, testing and placement in honors classes - according to Gloria Ladson-Billings, president of the National Academy of Education, and one of the first scholars to apply CRT to education.

In education, the focus is on examining and remedying disparate outcomes rather than changing individuals' beliefs. School counselors do not teach CRT to students but do use diversity, equity and inclusion to improve student outcomes and create better systems.

School counselors are student-focused. Through the integration of academic learning and social-emotional skills development, school counselors increase students' college, career, and life readiness in the following areas:

  • All students (regardless of abilities, interests, backgrounds, etc.) succeed at high levels given sufficient support and encouragement.

  • All students are prepared for postsecondary education and/or training upon graduation from high school.

  • All students respect others and are prepared to fully participate in a diverse, global society.

  • All students deserve a quality education to complete the holistic development of the individual.

  • All students have access to skills, knowledge, and mindsets provided by school counseling professionals.

  • All students graduate with career literacy skills that are necessary to succeed in postsecondary education, training, and the workplace.

Our vision as School Counselors for education is clear: creating opportunity for ALL of our students while embracing individuality and celebrating culture and identity. Our voice is to state openly that we believe our education system can become a vehicle for tremendous opportunity, but it is up to all of us to ensure its advancement, and does not continue in clearly evidenced historic and ongoing disparities. Together with a vision and a voice, we are One.

Additional Resources for on-going conversation about racism and justice:



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