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Become a Member


Membership Types


  • Professional Member - $60 per year: (Carries all privileges) Both must be true: You hold a Pennsylvania Certificate to serve as a school counselor and you are employed primarily as an elementary, secondary, college counselor, or supervisor of counseling services. 

  • Associate Status - $60 per year:< (Non-voting, non-office holding) Not a certified Pennsylvania School Counselor (All associate applications are reviewed by the membership committee.)

  • Student Membership - $30 per year: (Non-Voting, non-office holding, maximum of three years eligibility) You must be enrolled half-time or more during the academic year (not summer) in a Master's level program in a school counseling program. Student Membership Verification Form required.

  • Retired Membership - $30 per year: (Maintains all privileges of Professional membership) Must be a professional member for two years immediately preceding retirement.


Join PSCA!


We’re excited to have you as a PSCA member! Please fill out the application below. You may pay today by card, or select “Pay By Check” and mail it to our office at the address below.


Questions? Please contact our membership team at


It is easy to join PSCA through our online system.  You will be able to enter your information and pay for your membership via credit card.  You may also choose to enter your information and then send us a check in the mail. If you chose that option, you will be invoiced for your payment.

District Group Dues


PSCA offers a 15% discount to school counselors in a school district when 100% of the counselors are members of PSCA!


The group dues discount will be 15% off of the collective group's dues rate.


All counselors in the district must already be PSCA members or must become PSCA members prior to the group applying for the discount. If a counselor is applying as a new member, they should select "pay by check" as the dues payment method and the district's group dues invoice will cover their new member dues. 


Although the district is taking advantage of the group discount, the membership belongs to the individual counselor and is not transferable. â€‹


How to Apply


1. List all counselors on the Participation Form and submit the list via email to or via mail to 400 Winding Creek Blvd, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050.


2. Once your participation form is submitted, we will create your group invoice and send it to your self-elected district contact. This district contact will be the liaison for the group. Do not send payment until the invoice is received. The invoice will reflect the discount and total amount due. 


3. When the district contact receives the group invoice, payment must be made for all counselors at one time. Payment may be made via check or by card (arrangements may be made by contacting us via phone or email). 


We are offering this option for the benefit of our members! Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions about which of your counselors are PSCA members, or questions about any details of this offer. 


Questions? Please contact:

Brianna Edwards

PSCA Membership Services

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